A curious staple of UK television, Come Dine with Me is a reality show that features a group of strangers competing to throw the best dinner party. Contestants each take turns hosting the others, subjecting their competitors to an evening of food, conversation and entertainment. The guests mark each other out of 10 and the winner gets a cash prize. As with many reality shows, the producers seem to select the contestants with the aim of generating conflict, but a This story is from Kinfolk Issue Thirty Buy Now Related Stories Arts & Culture Issue 30 Pillars of Hosting: Belonging What can the concept of “moral sympathy” teach us about effective hosting? Arts & Culture Issue 30 Pillars Of Hosting: Empathy Amy Alkon applies her brand of blunt advice to empathetic hosting. Arts & Culture Issue 30 Table Textiles Swatch, sample and swap with abandon. Until the scissors come out, nothing’s off the table. Arts & Culture Issue 30 Pillars of Hosting: Entertainment Storytelling virtuoso Bobette Buster on the art of the anecdote. Arts & Culture Issue 30 At Work With: Charlotte Wilde A wine bar doyenne instructs on how to throw a party fit for Bacchus in your own home. Arts & Culture Issue 30 Pillars Of Hosting: Trust On xenia—the Ancient Greek appreciation of trust between host and guests—in the 21st century.
Arts & Culture Issue 30 Pillars of Hosting: Belonging What can the concept of “moral sympathy” teach us about effective hosting?
Arts & Culture Issue 30 Pillars Of Hosting: Empathy Amy Alkon applies her brand of blunt advice to empathetic hosting.
Arts & Culture Issue 30 Table Textiles Swatch, sample and swap with abandon. Until the scissors come out, nothing’s off the table.
Arts & Culture Issue 30 Pillars of Hosting: Entertainment Storytelling virtuoso Bobette Buster on the art of the anecdote.
Arts & Culture Issue 30 At Work With: Charlotte Wilde A wine bar doyenne instructs on how to throw a party fit for Bacchus in your own home.
Arts & Culture Issue 30 Pillars Of Hosting: Trust On xenia—the Ancient Greek appreciation of trust between host and guests—in the 21st century.