Is there an element of matchmaking to your work?
Pakter: We rely a great deal on our intuition. Because we understand our client ’s needs and culture so well, we know right away which candidates are going to be a great match. We’ve made a lot of placements like that without being too literal and primarily looking at education, years in industry and experience.
Chiam: It’s about connecting and understanding interests. We want to get a good overall picture of them and where they’re at in life. It’s quite a close relationship—almost like buying a home—because, as a candidate, you’re sharing quite a bit about your personal life. It’s really about getting to know people and what motivates them.
What’s your advice for people hoping to get noticed for their creativity?
Pakter: Clients are looking for a Renaissance-type person with both left and right brain thinking. If you can only come up with creative ideas, then you’re not going to be of any value unless you can bring that within the spectrum of what is good for the brand. That’s a different kind of profile than in the past. It’s become much broader, deeper and more integrated. The other thing that’s important is a sense of integrity and authenticity. Brands are interested in people who are into sustainability, empathy, a better earth. So if these passions are important to you, you should express that creatively in your work.
This feature was produced in partnership with Janou LLC.