Hey lovelies! Are you interested in an incredible business opportunity that gives you the ability to work from home? For decades now, network marketing companies have been dangling the promise of a rocketing income, flexible schedule and aspirational lifestyle in front of people desperate for a lucky break. But what happens when the dream of direct sales starts to look more like a nightmare? Debika Ray investigates. This essay appeared in Issue Thirty-Three in Fall 2019. https://api.spreaker.com/v2/episodes/24886672/download.mp3 — TwitterFacebookPinterest Related Stories Audio The New Narcissism Should you learn to love thy selfie? Audio A Gendered History of the Muse On women who inspire men. Audio Algorithms: The Ultimate Influencer On the hidden forces that shape your taste. Audio The Economy of Ideas Why is everyone reading Sapiens? Audio What happened to life hacking? On the rise and decline of an internet philosophy. Audio In Defense of Loneliness What’s the difference between loneliness and solitude?